
Local Artist Buzz,Will Hanlon

Have you ever been inspired by the ordinary?  Will Hanlon was holding a pushpin when inspiration struck.  Hanlon was hanging up a Pokemon poster with his son when he realized that they could put the poster on corkboard and that the pushpins were the same colors as the Pokemon, so they could create a three-dimensional effect of… Continue reading Local Artist Buzz,Will Hanlon

West Barrington Artope

I met West Barrington Artope after a memorial gathering was being held for his friend, Keith Mullings, who had been  Artope’s business partner, helping him open the latest incarnation of Be First Boxing in Peekskill, NY.  West Barrington Artope, along with Keith Mullings (who has since passed,) started Be First Boxing at the Kiley Center in… Continue reading West Barrington Artope